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This is a short BTS / promo video covering our Capital Event Management & Stockpools photoshoot. Capital Event Management is an investor and traders conference networking organization and Stockpools is fantasy sports for stocks both companies are based in Vancouver, BC, Canada. Neil Currie is Partner of CEM and CEO of Stockpools, he wanted Corporate Headshots for himself and crew from both companies. His dog, Django an office regular wanted his family photo taken with Neil.
For most DV assignments we normally photograph Headshots in our studio but we do encounter projects when clients are restricted due to scheduling so we bring our studio to them. Easier said than done because if the client’s office can’t accommodate our lighting setup, the logistics of our photoshoot won’t work and we can’t create the image they hired us for. In this case their office was ideal and the room was ours for the day without interruption. The only thing we needed to do was be prepared, efficient, organized and on-time.
We conducted a scout of the office prior to the shoot to make sure setup was possible. For this shoot the office had to have enough room for: a PhotoFlex LiteDome softbox 24″ x 32″ as the key, two flanking LumaHawk strip boxes 12″ x 48″ with Grids, 1 Bouncer – White reflection, the Manfrotto 755XB tripod with 804RC2 Head, and Mobile BackDrop, Tether station, various light stands, one boom, 2 strobes etc. etc. and by the way this was the first shoot with the Canon EOS 5D SR.
The 5D SR was prepped the night before we ran tests and made adjustments to Picture Style settings for a more neutral capture without the baked in settings of: color, tone and sharpness. The camera’s performance was outstanding, the quality was good as far as the review of in camera capture but it was a whole new ball game when we brought the images into post. The latitude of the dynamic range, colour and sharpness was exceptional never seen anything like this before. Simply put the Canon 5D SR is impressive.
The retouching of these corporate headshots was done to compliment the vision of the photographer without imposing its narrative on the photograph. Retouching requires a tremendous amount of skill and ability to produce the look that not only captures the photographer’s style but in this case represents the company’s brand image. It’s a fine line between knowing the technical skills and how to apply minimal natural enhancements without excess.
With this video you’ll see how we setup, performed including a portion of the retouching process. The goal in retouching is to maintain the natural aesthetics, tone and color without the impression of aggressive and excessive transformations, anything beyond this spectrum leaves little doubt that the final image is not as it seems.